How To increase your chances of a seller accepting a low or no-down- payment proposal?
Hi there just wanted to share this excerpt from the book How To Buy Businesses No Money Down¨ from Tyler Hicks (I did the foreword)
look for businesses that are being sold for the following reasons:
1. Illness of the owner.
2. Death of the owner.
3. The owner or spouse of owner relocating.
4. Divorce or dispute.
5. Recently established.
6. Owner can’t handle or wants to be free from worry.
7. Business is losing money.
8. Business has been for sale more than six months.
9. Owner wants to retire and has no succession plan.
Businesses for sale under these circumstances have motivated
sellers, who sometimes will practically give the business away. Be sure before you make any kind of offer to purchase one of these businesses, you have a firm plan on how to make the business profitable. Be prepared to work hard to turn the business around.
See ya in the inbox!
Sebastian H Amieva
PS If you seriously want to get personally mentored by myself and start buying businesses without risking your own capital, schedule a call with myself today.